I’m very pleased to have been included in the digital literary journal, The Sunlight Press, in their Artists on Craft Series. My essay, “An Artful Gesture”, chronicles my years-long search to find an authentic creative place – a place where I could stop questioning my own value as a creative visual artist.
In the essay I discuss the influence my sculptor grandmother, Eva, had on my early exposure to the life of an artist. She was a powerful inspiration and an impactful role-model. Here she is in her studio later in life. Nothing like seeing her work those big machines to cut and bend her steel pieces.
I mention watching her put the finishing touches on her stainless steel sculpture, Falling Leaves. Photo below shows Eva standing next to it.
I also talk about my brief time working as a print designer at Nike. Here are some of the prints I designed for the Running Apparel line back in the mid-90’s.
And here is one of the prints I referenced, licensed to Andover Fabrics, that was inspired by a snowy winter walk through the woods.
Lastly, I have included a detail photo of my first ever memorial quilt, made for a dear friend out of a bag of her father’s ties.
Many thanks to the editors at The Sunlight Press, Beth Burrell and Rudri Bhatt Patel, for publishing my essay.