My most recent memorial quilt was made from the clothing of a 16-year old girl, named Amanda, who died much too young. By far the youngest person to be honored through one of my quilts, the tenor of my process and the experience of working with her clothing was notably different from many of my other quilts. Read more >
Phenomenal City Museum
Hands down, the City Museum in St Louis is the most innovative space I have ever been in. It is a 600,000 square foot, multi-story work of art housed in the former International Shoe Company building. Read more >
Native Fashion Now Exhibit
I am completely inspired by the Portland Art Museum‘s current exhibition, Native Fashion Now. It not only inspired me, but it captured the attention of my 11-year old son, whose idea of a good time normally does not include wandering through museums. Read more >
A Memorial Quilt With Fish and Flowers
Mary’s daughter, Kathleen, had only three garments that she wanted made into a small memorial wall-hanging. Mary loved the sea and the beach and had silk skirt suit made out of a large fish print. Read more >
Free Form: My Art From the Early ’70s
Over this past weekend, my 11-year old son decided to completely redo his room, which entailed taking everything off his walls that’s been up since he was two. Read more >