Back in the fall, a woman from Alaska named Bhree contacted me and offered up a challenge: to create 7 memorial quilts out of the clothing of 3 family members who had died over the course of a decade, and whose deaths spanned 3 generations. Read more >
A Forest of Remembrance
“Sam had the wisdom and intelligence of an old soul,” his mother, Donna, recounted to me, and his commitment to protecting the environment shaped his life goals. Read more >
“Jim’s Sails” – A Quilt to Remember Jim Wright
Right from the beginning, there was no question that a memorial quilt honoring the life of Jim Wright should speak to his love of sailing and the sea. Read more >
Youssef: A Life of Passionate Inquiry
According to Youssef’s wife, Lindsay, Youssef was impeccably fashionable from “toe to ankle”. I wasn’t completely sure what that meant until I opened up the box of his clothing and saw his fabulous collection of striped socks. Read more >
A Loving Grandmother
Nina’s grandmother, Suzanne, had a penchant for clean, well-refined lines. She led a well-ordered life, full of love for her granddaughter. She dressed neatly and loved flowers and the color blue. Read more >